Dr.-Ing. Anke Dittmar
- Address: University of Rostock, Institute of Computer Science, 18051 Rostock
- Office: Room 265, Albert-Einstein-Straße 22, 18059 Rostock
- Email: anke.dittmaruni-rostockde
- Phone: 0381-498 7633
- Fax: 0381-498 118 7622
Dr. Anke Dittmar received her diploma in computer science and her PhD degree on task modeling. She has been a long-time educator in software engineering, human-computer interaction, and interaction design. Her research interests include user centered design methods, design representations (e.g., user interface specifications, task models, personas, and scenarios), collaborative design activities, empirical studies of artefact use and long-term user experience. She is the current president of the European Association on Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE).