Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Forbrig (Emeritus)

Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Forbrig

Short biography

Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Peter Forbrig is a professor emeritus of software engineering at the University of Rostock in Germany. He got his PhD in compiler construction (1980) and his habilitation in software engineering methods (1987). Besides working in industry from 1981 to 1998 he was appointed as a full professor in 1994. His research interests include classical software engineering like UML, design patterns and case tools. Additionally, he is interested in combining task-based development methods with object-oriented ones. His research combines human computer interaction with software engineering. He published several papers on software engineering and HCI. 

Peter Forbrig has been engaged in IFIP activities since 2001 when he organized together with Ahmed Seffah during INTERACT 2001 in Tokyo the workshop “Software and Usability Engineering Cross-Pollination: The First Step for Integrating Usability into Software Engineering”.  From 2007 till 2013 Peter was chair of IFIP TC 13.2 (Human-Centered Systems Design) and established the IFIP working conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering (HCSE).  For several years Peter Forbrig has been active in WG. 13.2, 13.4, and as PC member of INTERACT. Currently, he is expert member of IFIP TC 13. He received the IFIP Silver Core Award in 2013 and the IFIP TC13 Pioneer Award in 2021.

Peter Forbrig was visiting professor at the University of Cottbus (Germany, 1993), University of Linz (Austria, 1997), University of Potchefstroom (South Africa, 2000), Concordia University Montreal (Canada, 2003) and Paul Sabatier University Toulouse (France, 2013).

Currently, he is contracted research based at the University of Rostock and focuses on the project E-BRAiN (Evidence-Based Robot Assistance in Neurorehabilitation) where the use of humanoid robots like Pepper is studied as substitute of therapists.


Publication list (dblp)

Dr.-Ing. Anne Gutschmidt

Dr.-Ing. Anne Gutschmidt

Publication list (dblp)

M.Sc. Ingolf Waßmann

M.Sc. Ingolf Waßmann

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Mathias Kühn

Dipl.-Inf. Mathias Kühn

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Gregor Buchholz

Dipl.-Inf. Gregor Buchholz

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Martina Weicht

Dipl.-Inf. Martina Weicht

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Math. Sabine Radtke

Dipl.-Math. Sabine Radtke

Dr.-Ing. Jens Brüning

Dr.-Ing. Jens Brüning

Publication list (dblp)

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wolff

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wolff

Publication list (dblp)

M.Sc. Michael Zaki

M.Sc. Michael Zaki

Publication list (dblp)

M.A., Dipl.-Inf. Dennis Maciuszek

M.A., Dipl.-Inf. Dennis Maciuszek

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Rene Zilz

Dipl.-Inf. Rene Zilz

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Robert Kühn

Dipl.-Inf. Robert Kühn

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Daniel Reichart

Dipl.-Inf. Daniel Reichart

Publication list (dblp)

Dr.-Ing. Maik Wurdel

Dr.-Ing. Maik Wurdel

Publication list (dblp)

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Propp

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Propp

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Toralf Hübner

Dipl.-Inf. Toralf Hübner

Publication list (dblp)

Dr.-Ing. Michael Gellner

Dr.-Ing. Michael Gellner

Publication list (dblp)

Dr.-Ing. Karina Oertel

Dr.-Ing. Karina Oertel

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl-Inf. Carsten Eichholz

Dipl-Inf. Carsten Eichholz

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Matthias Lüder

Dipl.-Inf. Matthias Lüder

Publication list (dblp)

Dipl.-Inf. Thomas Elwert

Dipl.-Inf. Thomas Elwert

Publication list (dblp)